The Flood - Francesco Merlini

42,00 €

At the threshold of reality and symbolism, Francesco Merlini's "The Flood" deals with the reminiscence of the disaster that struck Tbilisi in 2015. People died, many families were left homeless, a zoo was destroyed and the city is in a state of shock. The city has become a wilderness populated by dangerous beasts. The zoo lost over 300 animals. An influential leader of the Georgian Orthodox Church blamed the floods on the "sin" of the former communist regime. According to him, the former communist regime built the zoo in its current location with money raised by destroying churches and melting their bells.

Published by Void 2021

17 x 22.7cm

76 pages

ISBN : 978-618-5479-08-4

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At the threshold of reality and symbolism, Francesco Merlini's "The Flood" deals with the reminiscence of the disaster that struck Tbilisi in 2015. People died, many families were left homeless, a zoo was destroyed and the city is in a state of shock. The city has become a wilderness populated by dangerous beasts. The zoo lost over 300 animals. An influential leader of the Georgian Orthodox Church blamed the floods on the "sin" of the former communist regime. According to him, the former communist regime built the zoo in its current location with money raised by destroying churches and melting their bells.

Published by Void 2021

17 x 22.7cm

76 pages

ISBN : 978-618-5479-08-4

At the threshold of reality and symbolism, Francesco Merlini's "The Flood" deals with the reminiscence of the disaster that struck Tbilisi in 2015. People died, many families were left homeless, a zoo was destroyed and the city is in a state of shock. The city has become a wilderness populated by dangerous beasts. The zoo lost over 300 animals. An influential leader of the Georgian Orthodox Church blamed the floods on the "sin" of the former communist regime. According to him, the former communist regime built the zoo in its current location with money raised by destroying churches and melting their bells.

Published by Void 2021

17 x 22.7cm

76 pages

ISBN : 978-618-5479-08-4

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