Yarn Porn - Club Geluk

10,00 €

This sex knitting book is a collection of knitted and crocheted pornography from Club Geluks. Over the years, we've produced many sexual works: knitted dicks, mufflers and cross-stitch embroideries. For fun, for art, on commission (e.g. for LINDA.magazine) and also as a protest against modern prudery. We've brought it all together in a pretty piggy magazine, with 7 patterns for your home hotness.

Published by Club Geluk 2019


48 pages

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This sex knitting book is a collection of knitted and crocheted pornography from Club Geluks. Over the years, we've produced many sexual works: knitted dicks, mufflers and cross-stitch embroideries. For fun, for art, on commission (e.g. for LINDA.magazine) and also as a protest against modern prudery. We've brought it all together in a pretty piggy magazine, with 7 patterns for your home hotness.

Published by Club Geluk 2019


48 pages

This sex knitting book is a collection of knitted and crocheted pornography from Club Geluks. Over the years, we've produced many sexual works: knitted dicks, mufflers and cross-stitch embroideries. For fun, for art, on commission (e.g. for LINDA.magazine) and also as a protest against modern prudery. We've brought it all together in a pretty piggy magazine, with 7 patterns for your home hotness.

Published by Club Geluk 2019


48 pages

FAGS - Jacopo Benassi
27,00 €
Out of print
Groeten van Het Rode Autootje - Sonja Van Hamel
27,00 €
Parallel Universe - Bas Fontein & Henjo Hekman
20,00 €
Typical Dutch - Jan Dirk van der Burg
35,00 €
Public Sex - Marialba Russo
30,00 €