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VERNISSAGE - Curation Patrick Remy

A look back at Patrick Remy's curation launch party for L'INAPERÇU!

On the occasion of the inaugural launch of the photography bookstore L'INAPERÇU, artists, collectors, publishers, political figures and actors of the art world were gathered on Monday, January 9, 2023, for the inauguration of the first curation of photobooks, that of Patrick Remy, photography critic, independent publisher and artistic director of Patrick Remy Studio.

Organized by the director and founder of L'INAPERÇU, Mrs. Christine Ye, the event was accompanied by a buffet concocted by the restaurant's chef. The occasion was an opportunity to gather to celebrate the launch of a new Parisian cultural institution dedicated to photography. This evening was also the occasion to inaugurate and present the "kiosk" of L'INAPERÇU, intended to welcome the photobooks selected in our upcoming curations.

November 10


March 27

VERNISSAGE "Femmes Photographes" - Curation Valérie Belin